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Enjoy! I definitely got important things to say
My latest ramblings.
Enjoy! I definitely got important things to say
Straw Bale Vs Rammed Earth – What Is The Better Build? Being able to build your own house with your own two hands has been the dream of many an American since colonial days. These days though, that dream is elusive for most of us. Why? Because not all of us have any experience with […]
10 Disadvantages & Problems Of Shipping Container Homes – What You Need To Consider Shipping container homes have become incredibly popular. It’s like that awkward fad that people are really digging in to but we aren’t so sure it’s a great idea. While a shipping container might be fully customizable and even cost-effective, there are […]
Hempcrete Vs. Concrete – How Do They Compare? In a world where protecting our environment is becoming increasingly important, even industries like construction are being innovative towards this case. While there are new products, there are also tried and true products that are becoming more and more popular as people get to know them. In […]
Straw Vs Hay – What’s The Difference And Different Uses Hay and straw look quite similar, and you would be forgiven for mistaking one for another. However, there are a number of differences between the two. Hay is made from fresh stems, seed heads and leaves and is cut to provide wholesome food for farm […]
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