Pizza Pack Net Worth 2022 – What Happened After Shark Tank

Pizza Pack was founded by Tate Koenig from Portland, Oregon. Tate appeared on Shark Tank for the first time with his Cheese Chopper invention – not scoring a deal then, but returning after two seasons with Pizza Pack being featured on a live episode.

A farm owner and lumber broker by trade, Tate has entrepreneurial studies as well as international business studies from Oregon State University under his belt.

Although his Cheese Chopper product, which he introduced to the Shark Tank team, didn’t get a deal from any of the Sharks, it still fared well.

Then came the Pizza Pack.

What is Pizza Pack?

A practical product for storing left-over pizza out of the box.

With Pizza Pack, users can easily store left-over pizza that would otherwise be left in the box, which would take up too much space in the fridge – or keep pizza fresher for longer.

The different trays inside can serve as plates as well as dividers, making it easy to enjoy leftover pizza slices after they have been reheated. The entire product is microwave and fridge safe, which means it can easily be used as needed for heating and eating.

A collapsible container made for maintaining pizza quality for longer – better and more customer-friendly!

Taking the tips he received from the Sharks in his first episode appearance close to heart, Tate started his second venture in 2022, releasing Pizza Pack and garnering sales of around $250,000 in just a couple of months.

Pizza Pack Net Worth and overview

Company Name

Pizza Pack


Tate Koenig

Asked For

$100.000 for a 10% equity

Final Deal

$100,000 for a 13% equity


Lori Greiner


Portland, Oregon Metropolitan Area

Net Worth


Shark Tank Appearance: Did It Go Through?

Tate asked for $100.000 for a 10% equity.

This time around, Tate got a more favourable response from the Sharks, with Mark Cuban even going so far as to offer to buy the whole company.

However, Mark’s offer of $1.5 million didn’t match the $5 million Tate suggested, which ultimately led to Lori Greiner’s offer of $100,000 for 13% being accepted.

Where is Pizza Pack today?

Pizza Pack continues to sell its products on Amazon, Etsy, and Walmart, as well as on

The Pizza Pack is available in a variety of colours (some available in back order), with its patent pending currently. This will hopefully be secured soon, especially considering the importance of protecting intellectual property in the competitive business landscape.


Convenience meets practicality, all in one pizza container.

If anything, Pizza Pack has proven that resilience is key in the business world – and that building on learnings can be the key to unlocking business success when you are open to innovation.

Thanks to its convenient solution, BPA-free and food-grade silicon design, the Pizza Pack is certainly a great design that Tate has envisioned.

Time will tell whether the move to reject Mark’s offer was the right one, but considering the steady sales of about $250,000 in annual revenue that Pizza Pack has already gained, things do look positive for this pizza storing venture that proved second time around can be the best one yet!